I'delia Tohka
Bard / Adventurer

disowned by her family, she sets out to make a name for herself
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!
170cm (~5'7")Eyes:
Facial "paint" is the scars of a patterned burn / / small scar under her left eyeVoice:
Gentle and clear, something like Byleth from Fire EmblemTrivia:
-Does not understand empathy. She doesn't tend to be actively antagonistic towards those she doesn't know, but she also does not necessarily understand their issues.-Was not raised among tribal miqo'te, and doesn't really "get" how it works. Gets keepers and seekers mixed up-Has a scar wrapping around the upper part of her left arm, and one in a circular-shape on her stomach
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!
Originally the heiress to a noble house in a far off land, I’delia Tohka had what she would consider a generally nice childhood. She had a fine education, including a study of many fighting styles and arts. Her favorite of these, however, was always the bow and arrow. It felt unique to her in a way that no other weapon or art did.-She continued her study throughout the years, focusing more on the bow than anything else. Her skill grew fast, and with it, a wonder of what may be waiting outside in the world. She read of adventurers and their stories and grew jealous. She wasn’t meant to go down in history. Her name wasn’t meant to become anything but a show of wealth and glory that she had never earned herself. The training she’s done would ultimately amount to nothing more than a waste of time.-She researched more for many months, calculating and making heavy preparations. In the dawn of that year’s spring, she approached her parents and informed them of her plans. She would become an adventurer and make a true name for herself. One that she could be proud of. One she thought they would be proud of. Instead she was given a long-winded speech and an ultimatum: stay and inherit the family fortune, or leave and remove herself from the lineage.-The choice wasn’t hard. She already had her gear with her and a ferry set for the next morning. The hard part was hiding her face. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing how much this hurt her. She walked the distance that she was hoping to cover by carriage, though it proved to give her some well-needed practice with moving targets when she was attacked by wild animals. Still, she made it safely on Aldenard and journeyed to Gridania in search of her own wealth, and maybe new friends.-After months upon months of hard work, she had attained several groups she works closely with, as well as a home to call her own. Even months further past that, a year past the time she left home, she's found closure to things that she thought would haunt her forever. She has begun practice on her blade and shield skills, as well as finding locations to perform. Thanks to friends and contacts she's met on the way, she's well toward her goals.
I'delia has light purple eyes, with light markings resembling claws on either side of her face. The right side of her cheek holds a small scar. A memory of her first true fight. Her hair, while tough to maintain, is almost always found curled to a point on either side, and braided behind her. Her face appears to hold a pattern, though on closer inspection, shows to be a healed burn scar.-She stands straight, though tends to be slightly clumsy when she walks. It's not uncommon for her to be lost in her own thoughts, unfortunately bumping into passerby. However, in combat, she seems to have a higher sense of agility. Likely due to her full concentration being on the battle.-Her outfits tend to depend on the situation, with a typical performance, formal, and travel outfit.
Delia's goals at the moment are to find a way to become a noble once more while expanding her trade routes to regain the fortune she once had.In addition, she seeks to advance her career as a performer, intending to become an idol of sorts, well known throughout Eorzea.
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!
Roleplay Information
I am most easily accessible via discord, where I am on pretty much 24/7 and as such prefer to rp, though am also active on Goblin (and free to travel to other worlds) fairly nonstop.
I can do paragraph or sentence RPs interchangeably, though paragraphs are usually my preferred method. In either case, I can adapt to whatever my partner's style is.
I've been at this for about a year now, and like to think I've got a super cheerful personality. I promise I don't bite, so feel free to reach out ♥If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss, feel free to contact me! ^_^Discord is DeliaTohka#8671
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!

Lihya Zharipoh (b. ????)
Two Lesbines: A thrilling tale of self-discovery, 2020Paint Application Software
Art of two close friends, I'delia Tohka and Lihya Zharipoh, hanging out. I'delia is being reminded that shes lesbine.
Looking for hooks? Delia's multifaceted, so feel free to choose which sounds the most appealing to you!
- Having recently displayed her family from their tyrany, her home needs new sources of supplies and trade. Perhaps you're a noble house, or a merchant looking for a new opportunity. In which case, she'd be happy to do some trade.- Until recently, I'delia had a bounty on her head, advertised with a large reward for the daughter of a noble family. Perhaps you're still looking to claim the bounty, or even gil from the miqo'te herself.- I'delia makes it no secret that her goal is to attain nobility once more, by any means possible. Mayhaps you've overheard her, and have got connections. Or simply wish to try and rob the supposed noble.- In an attempt to get in the good graces of Ishgard's noble houses, she recently moved to the new adventurer's ward and can be seen often in the Pillars, shopping for necessities.
Wanna try something else?
Eorzean Idol
- I'delia plays music most anywhere she travels, and her tunes can be heard far beyond where she normally hides herself. She's also begun playing at various venues to try and spread her name more. Perhaps your character's heard of her, or seen one of her shows.- Do you run a venue and need some talent to take up a show slot? Delia doesn't charge anything, and her performances can either be text-specific roleplay performances, or with proper songs and routines set to macros!- Do you see yourself as a manager of sorts? Delia's not exactly one to take orders from another all that often, but she'll take all the help she can get with finding a way to get her name out there
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Miqo'te Huntress
- While she aims to make a fortune with trade routes, gil must still be made to put towards the endeavor. I'delia is a hunter of both game, and bounties. She can also be hired as a bodyguard, with a sword and shield at the ready, or a bow and arrow as necessary.- New to the art of swordplay, she is always looking for a chance to practice her skills with a blade, happily accepting any challenge given to her.- She's been looking into her family's past, particularly with the "I" tribe, though she's happy to learn from any tribal miqo'te about seekers.- Having taken on most any bounty she could get her hands on, it's no doubt that I'delia's made a few enemies. Perhaps you're one of them.
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